Our first annual Operation: Ultimate Outreach Challenge
Please help us collect and distribute 1000 zero degree sleeping bags for those suffering from homelessness. -All of our bags will be distributed by our homeless outreach teams. -We will also provide and connect everyone with supportive services. -We won’t let you or them down!

General Donations
VST continues to strive to expand its programs and offerings to the communities it serves. We have helped over 500 veterans and their families in the Los Angeles area since January 2021. We are currently expanding into Texas, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Florida. We can only meet our goals with the assistance of community members like yourself. This is a chance to invest in a non-profit that truly practices what it preaches. You can make a difference by partnering with us to help reach out to the veterans in need, enhance our programing, and really make profound changes to better the communities we live in.